

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Diet for the Summer 2012

Ok, so I've been sick last week (got a bronchitis) and didn't have to workout because of the problem. Well, after a week of sick leaves, I have decided to start my diet again.

So here's what I have in mind.

Early morning before going to work. I take my Oxylite capsule and take a walk outside for 30-45 minutes. Sometimes I run. I do this on an empty stomach.

After that, I return home and eat my breakfast. This meal has the most carbohydrate of the day.

Then I ride the FX or my motorcycle to go  to work. Once arrived, I eat again but mostly meat and eggs. No rice.

At lunch, I eat again and still no rice..

After lunch, I drink my whey protein shake for 1 scoop.

Then I drink my vitamin C.

I eat again before going out of the office to go to the gym.

I have my shake while working out.

After working out, I also do another set of cardio for 30 minutes. either thru bike or threadmill. Which one is available.

Then I take 2 BCAA tablets, 1 protein shake, and 1 tbps of creatine.

I will go home after and eat meat again with no rice.

Then I go to sleep.