

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bicep Workout!

Want those Scott Steiner's Big Poppa Pump biceps? Those peaks and the freaks? Then do this workout! Just take note that all of the bicep workouts should be done with a "squeeze" during the contraction. You can do this by slightly twisting your biceps.

  • 2 dumbells
    • hanging bicep curls - bicep curls but your arms should be in front of you.. your arms should be straight in front of you then curl.. so in short it's like doing "half bicep curls". do this 12x for 3 sets..
  •  2 dumbells
    • hammer curls - 12x in 3 sets.. just like bicep curls. the only difference is how you hold it. Dumbells should be hold like you are holding a hammer like Thor! Then twist it a little as your contract your biceps. 
  •  1 dumbell
    • concentrated curls.. You use one arm at a time to do some dumbell curls.. but rest your elbow on the side of your thigh and not on top of it.. feel the squeeze as you contract them.
  •  1 EZ bar
    • 7 + 7 + 7. the first 7 reps should be a curl from starting til middle only.. then without resting, do a curl from half til full flex the biceps.. then the last would be do a full bicep curls for 7x.

stretch ur biceps..

If u have equipment then use it like do 1 arm preacher's curls or cable bicep curls..

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wrist Pain and workout.

Wrist pain can be a result of various conditions, including sprains from a fall or a weight lifting injury, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. Use basic wrist exercises to help restore range of motion in your wrist and get you back to doing the things you were able to do before your injury or condition.

Flexion and Extension Stretches
One of the best ways to relieve your wrist pain is through regular stretching. Start by extending your arm out in front of you. Grab the fingers on your affected hand with your opposite hand. Slowly use your other hand to bend your wrist so your fingers are pointed down at the floor. Hold for five to 10 seconds, then slowly bend the wrist back up so your fingers are pointed at the ceiling. Hold for another five to 10 seconds. Repeat two to three times for each stretch.

Flexion and Extension Strengthening Exercises
Once you've stretched out the muscles in your wrist, move on to strengthening exercises. Hold a light dumbbell or a medium soup or vegetable can in your outstretched hand. Extend your arm so it is straight out in front of you. Slowly bend your wrist while holding the can, lifting your hand up toward the ceiling. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, then lower your wrist so your hand bends toward the floor. Hold for another 10 to 15 seconds, then relax. Repeat three to four times.

Wrist Rotation Exercise
Using the same dumbbell or can, strengthen the muscles in your wrist in a different direction. Hold the can out in front of you again with your arm fully extended. Position your hand so the backs of your fingers are facing the ceiling. Slowly rotate your wrist so the backs of your fingers are pointing away from your body. Hold this rotation for five to 10 seconds, then rotate your wrist all the way to the opposite side and hold for another five to 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise three to four more times.

Rubber Band Exercise
To help strengthen the muscles and tendons in your forearm that contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, try the rubber band exercise. Start by placing a small rubber band around all five fingers while they are close together. Slowly open your fingers against the resistance of the rubber band. Open your fingers as wide as you can and hold for 10 to 15 seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.

I myself experienced wrist pain due to weight lifting. This probably because I have a weak wrist and/or I am lifting in a wrong posture. I decided to wear a wrist guard and after a week, the pain is gone. The wrist guard compacts your wrist area and prevents your wrist to wobble while lifting and prevents injuries. Ever since, I've been wearing wrist guards whenever I lift in the gym.

Please check those items below.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nutrition for gaining weight.

hmm.. eat 40% carb, 40% protein, 20% fat. The fat should come from nuts like hazelnut, macadamia, almonds, olive oil, etc., Eat 6 times a day having 2 hours interval in between...

Avoid junk foods coz these are empty calorie-products. You can have your junk food on 1 day only as your "cheat day" to help with you psyche. Eat chicken, pork, and beef. You need protein for gaining lean muscle mass. Carbohydrates for the replacement of your muscle glycogen.

OT: Don't buy those products in the store claiming of "healthy" things. Always go for the primitive things like raw meat in the wet market. Avoid canned food as much as possible.

take in more calories than you should = gain weight
take in just the right calories = maintain weight
take in less calories than you maintenance = lose weight

It is always important to have your protein consumption checked. We need protein to build and repair muscles.

You can find your favorite whey protein by searching below.

Shoulder workout

Hmm, basically our shoulder consists of muscle separations.. like the shoulder is called the trapz whereas the base of the arm is called the deltoid... The deltoid consists of 3 sections which you need to work out to even out there muscle mass.. Below is my workout for the shoulders..

Dumbell press
12 reps in 3 sets
80% of your max strength
30 secs rest in between
These works all the deltoids.

Front Raise
12 reps in 3 sets
60% of your max strength
30 secs rest in between
This work outs the front deltoid.
It's ok to swing the dumbells especially when it feel a little heavy on you.
Keep a rhythm.

Side Raise
12 reps in 3 sets
60% of your max stregth
30 secs rest in between
This work out the middle deltoid.

Reverse Fly
12 reps in 3 sets
60% of your max stregth
30 secs rest in between
This work out the rear deltoid.

Military Barbell Press
12 reps in 3 sets
70% of your max strength
1 min. rest in between
This works the overall mass of the deltoid.

12 reps in 3 sets
100% of your max strength
30 secs rest in between
This works your trapz.. and you'll get your shoulder pads..

Of course, we need protein supplement to build and maintain our muscles. We won't grow big if we're not having enough protein. You can search your favorite whey protein brand in the custom search below.

Benefits of working out

  • You'll have denser bone mass and has less risk of having osteoporosis.
  • You'll have a better heart.
  • You'll rarely get sick.
  • You'll have a physique to die for. The curves and the definitions.
  • Clothes will look good on you. But you'll look better without it.  Smiley
  • You'll have better sex performance.
  • You'll lose fat since muscle is a living tissue and eats calories even if you are resting.

Of course, we need protein supplement to build and maintain our muscles. We won't grow big if we're not having enough protein. You can search your favorite whey protein brand in the custom search below.